What's New
- Koger & Williams Companies and TCI Teledata Communications, Inc. begin working relationship. Decision lender software allows point of sale loan enhancement.
About Teledata Communications, Inc.
Our core values - listening to our customers and employing technology to automate and simplify their credit approval processes - have guided our growth and transformation over the last 22 years. Through a combination of strategic acquisitions and new product innovations that use cutting edge technology, we have consistently identified growth opportunities.
Teledata Communications, Inc. ("TCI") was founded as a Telex distributor in September 1982 by principals George D. Nagrodsky and William S. Nass. We began in the 1980's as a distributor of Telex terminals and in the late 80's started to manufacture credit terminals. In the 90's we transitioned our products to desktop software. By 1999, we boasted over 30,000 licensed users of our credit retrieval software products and began to transition, to an Application Service Provider model. By transitioning to an ASP model, we were able to use the advanced technology of the Internet to automate our customers' workflow and give them better, more efficient solutions to their real business challenges.
Today-over 3,000 customers -and growing daily--- are using our newest ASP-based products. Companies all around the country rely on our products for efficient and affordable access to credit bureaus, and as links to public records. TCI saves our customers countless hours by automating the process for conducting background checks, employment screenings, tenant screenings and more.
In this age of “Identity Theft” and “Fraud”; make sure that your Loan Research includes a heavy “emphasis” on VERIFICATION.
If there are indications that Income, for example, is NOT in-line with employment position (i.e., house painter making $80k) CALL/SURVEY/VERIFY .
It is IMPERATIVE that borrower information (income, employment, home address, etc.) along with vehicle detail (run – CAR FAX) – BE VERIFIED.
With regard to small – Independent Used Car Dealerships – make sure your lien is PERFECTED prior to funding.